The Calmer Teens Programme for School Anxiety

Helping anxious teens to regain calm and feel confident to return to school

Struggling to navigate the challenges of parenting an anxious teenager? It's tough, especially when they're unable to go to school. The stress piles up for both you and your teen. It feels like a never ending cycle of stressful conversations. As a parent you can feel like you just don't know what the best thing do to is and watching your teen struggle is unbearable.

But there is a way through this difficult time.

What is the Calmer Teens Programme?

Introducing the Calmer Teens Programme for School Anxiety – a tailored approach crafted specifically for anxious teens.

The programme empowers teens to conquer their anxiety, equipping them with essential techniques to manage their feelings and confidently return to school. Through personalised one-on-one sessions led by a certified paediatric hypnotherapist, we employ a blend of hypnotherapy, NLP, and positive mindset techniques.

With the Calmer Teens Programme, your teen can break free from the grip of anxiety and reignite their educational journey. Say goodbye to stress and hello to a brighter, calmer future for both you and your teen.

Who is the Calmer Teens

Programme for?

The programme helps young people from the age of 13 to 16 years who are experiencing anxiety about or in school.


  • Teens showing the early signs of anxiety in school

  • Teens with intermittent school refusal

  • Teens who are unable to attend school due to their anxiety

Benefits of The Calmer Teens Programme


Helps overcome the root cause of anxiety


Practical tools that can be used in everyday life


No need for detailed talking about their anxiety


No long wait lists or assessments


Helps build emotional resilience


See improvements in fewer sessions *

What is covered in the programme?

Helping your teen understand their anxiety

Anxiety has a variety of physical, emotional, and mental symptoms that can feel overwhelming for a young person still learning how to cope with their feelings. Explaining what is happening in their body and why can help your teenager understand their anxiety and recognise early symptoms. This awareness can help your teenager be ready to take those initial steps to tackle their anxiety.

Exploring their anxiety triggers

If your teenager is refusing to go to school due to anxiety, it's easy to think that it must be the school environment that is triggering their anxiety. However, anxiety can often have several triggers. These can be environmental, emotional, physical, and mental. Typically it's a combination of these. Helping your teenager examine their triggers can help with exploring alternative ways to cope.

Guided hypnotherapy, visualisation and NLP

Using guided hypnotherapy and visualisation will help your teenager change their learned response to anxiety. Helping them return to a more calm and balanced state. Hypnotherapy can help to quiet our thinking conscious mind and move us to a relaxed focused state - similar to being in meditation. In this state, we are accessing the automatic part of our mind (the subconscious) and helping it to accept change through imagination and positive suggestion.

Tips and techniques to reduce and manage anxiety

Learning practical and easy to use techniques to reduce and manage anxiety will help your teen to gain control over their anxiety and trust they can overcome it. These techniques include:

The 90 second rule to reduce a panic attack

Releasing the physical effects of anxiety

Calming strategies - calming anchors, mindful exercises

Processing and decompressing


What about help for parents?

A happy family life is a balancing act. When one of the family members is struggling with anxiety, it throws the balance out for the family. Typically as a parent, you shoulder the full force of that stress.

For this reason, the programme includes parental sessions to help you deal with that additional stress and help restore some of that balance.

Preparing for return to school

As your teenager starts to regain their natural state of calm and can use coping techniques, it's time to prepare them to return to school. One of the most important aspects during this time is to ensure your teen stays on track. Preparing them for their future with anxiety-reducing strategies and a solid foundation so they can prevent any setbacks.

Your teen can continue to access information and tools via the Calmer Teens Hub

What parents and teens say ...

Mum of Jack

" We can’t thank you enough. Jack did amazingly well last week – school started on Tuesday and he was in every day.

Mum of Lily

" We have seen a huge change in her...she is calm, happy and been genuinely very excited about high school instead of being filled with anxiety.

Mum of Harry

" Thank you so much for the information and the sessions we have had with you.

The difference in Harry is remarkable. I would recommend you to anyone!

Mum of Francesca

"She has gone back to school with only a little wobble on the first morning which is a great improvement from last year.
She has made huge progress in managing her emotions and the sessions so far have made a big difference to her. ... she says she feels really happy afterwards and this seems to last a good while.

Ruby - Teen

“I felt she [Sarah] understood how I felt because she had struggled around school too. I felt more relaxed about the sessions, and she taught me ways to make my body feel calmer and my mind less worried.” Ruby 13yrs

Harry - Teen

" After the sessions I just felt lighter, I couldn’t explain it, but I just knew I was going to be okay.” Harry

Mum of Ruby

"Thanks again for your help. It’s an incredible
transformation and we’re so relieved to see Ruby happier at school, and in general.

Book Your Consultation Call

If you have already had a consultation call you can move directly to book your teen's taster session here

For Teens: An Introduction to the Calmer Teens Programme

Frequently Asked Questions

What's included in the programme?

5 Teen One-to-One Live Sessions:

(4 x 50 min Sessions , 1x 30 min Teen Close-Out Session)

Weekly online materials in the Calmer Teen's Hub

3 x Parental Sessions:

1 x 30 min Parental supporting your teen session, 1 x 60 min Parental Hypnotherapy Session, 1 x 30 min Parental Progress Check-In

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How frequently are sessions?

Teen sessions are held weekly. The teen close-out session is typically 2 weeks after the fourth one-to-one session.

How long is the programme?

The Calmer Teens Programme takes place over a 6-7 week period.

Your teen will continue to have access to the Calmer Teens Hub after the programme completes.

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How do I know my teen will be suited to hypnotherapy?

Following our consultation call, then next step is to book a Taster Session.

The Calmer Teens Taster Session is an introduction session for your teen. They get to meet me and experience the type of work we will do together. It gives them and me the opportunity to see if they will be suited to this approach. All teens need to complete the taster session before being accepted onto the full programme.

The Taster Session is £49

My teen is currently in counselling, can they do the programme as well?

No it is not advised for your teen to do other therapy at the time of the programme.

If your teen is currently undertaking therapy/counselling it is best for them to complete that before embarking on the CTP.

How quickly will my teen return to school?

Each teen is different in terms of their level of anxiety and how they respond to the programme. The aim is to help your teen reduce their anxiety as the priority. Once your teen is feeling less anxious we can then focus on return or increased time in school. It is unlikely this will happen after 1/2 sessions and for some it will be after the full treatment programme is complete.

Does my teen need to do anything in-between sessions?

Yes, your teen will have access to supporting information in between sessions, which may be PDFs, videos, or recordings. They will also be shown techniques to use when they feel anxious, which they can practice in-between sessions.

Is there a waiting list?

Consultation calls are limited to ensure that a waitlist is avoided when possible. The average time from consultation call to getting your teen started on the programme is 2-4 weeks.

What is the price for the programme?

The Calmer Teens Programme is £750 and is paid at the time of booking the programme.

Please note: this excludes the Taster Session which is £49

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