Calm Minds for

Confident Starts Program

Empowering 11-12 year olds to reduce anxiousness and start secondary school with confidence

Join the waitlist for October 2024 start.

Worried about back to school anxiety for your tween?

This may just be the solution for you both.

Schools out... but in the back of your mind is that nagging doubt about how your pre-teen will transition to secondary school.

Maybe they have shown signs of anxiety in school, or they find it difficult to be away from home and you are worried that this upcoming transition to secondary school might just be too much for them to handle.

As a concerned parent you want to help them transition as confidently as they can. But you also worry that talking about school in the summer break is just too much pressure.

You worry about what is best to do...

  • Do I wait until terms starts and see how they are then?

  • Will they just grow out of it?

  • Is it normal adolescent changes that they will learn to handle?

  • Should I have done something different?

  • School says just get them here and they will be fine - is that true?

And the list goes on. You are stressed about their transition to secondary school on top of everything else you juggle.

and you just know as a parent they are struggling. As you see signs of...

  • Increased irritability around the talk of school

  • Worries of not fitting in or having friends

  • Negative self talk

  • Clinginess to you or leaving the home

  • Sleep issues

  • Physical signs of anxiousness

I get it... these are the most common questions I get in the summer holidays as a

paediatric hypnotherapist helping anxious teens and pre-teens.

That's why I'm launching this brand new group program Calm Minds for Confident Starts for pre-teens and their parents to help the transition to secondary school be far less daunting.

Imagine it was possible:

  • For you and your tween to get mind-set ready without the feeling of dread of returning to school?

  • For your tween to learn calming techniques now, so when they do return to school they are already confident they can feel their best

  • For you and your tween to spend time together each week doing something beneficial for both your mental and emotional health.

  • To have the benefit of adolescent therapy without the intensity of one to one sessions.

Who is the Calm Minds for Confident Starts Program for?

11 -12 year olds that:

  • have experienced the early signs of anxiety in school

  • that may have experienced intermittent school refusal

  • may show their anxiety through anger outbursts, withdrawal, or crying or other emotional and physical signs

Parents that:

  • are unsure how to help their pre-teen in the moments they feel anxious

  • are worried their anxious tween my struggle to attend school

  • would like to help their tween feel more confident in themselves so they can face the challenges that come with school and other situations

Benefits of the Calm Minds for Confident Starts Program

  • Reduced Anxiety: Helps tweens manage and reduce anxiety related to starting secondary school, fostering a sense of calm and confidence.

  • Improved Coping Skills: Teaches practical coping strategies that can be used in everyday school situations, promoting resilience and adaptability.

  • Increased Confidence: Builds self-esteem and a positive mindset, helping tweens feel more secure and ready to take on new challenges.

  • Enhanced Focus: A regulated nervous system supports better concentration and focus, which can lead to improved academic performance and smoother school transitions.

  • Stronger Parent-Child Connection: Strengthens the bond between parents and their tween as they work together through the program, improving communication and understanding.

  • Convenient Online Access: Accessible from the comfort of home, making it easy for busy families to participate without disrupting their schedules.

  • Long-Term Wellbeing: Equips tweens with tools and techniques that they can carry forward into their school years and beyond, promoting lifelong emotional health.

  • Peace of Mind for Parents: Provides parents with peace of mind knowing their child is gaining the skills needed to thrive in a new school environment.

What's covered in the program?

This 6-week online hypnotherapy program is designed to help anxious tweens and their parents navigate the transition to secondary school with confidence and ease.

Weekly Live Sessions

Each week, you and your tween will participate in a live 60-minute group session, filled with calming and supportive activities that are easy to integrate into your daily lives.

Relaxing Guided Visualisations: Each session includes a soothing guided visualisation to help your tween release stress and build resilience. These visualisations are carefully crafted to empower tweens, easing their anxieties and preparing them for the new challenges of secondary school.

Interactive Exercises: Together you will learn techniques to help them in times when those anxious feelings take over.

They will learn about their anxious part of their mind - their helpful protector part that they will befriend so it feels safe, seen and secure. These exercises reinforce the techniques learned, fostering open communication and shared growth.


Sessions are supported by a set of downloadable PDF exercises. These worksheets will help reinforce the concepts learned during the live sessions and provide additional support throughout the week.

Parental Support

3 Exclusive 30-Minute FAQ Sessions: I understand that parents have questions, which is why I've included three dedicated FAQ sessions just for you. These 30-minute sessions are an opportunity to ask questions, share experiences, and gain deeper insights into how you can best support your tweens journey.

Convenient Access

Weekly Sessions on Tuesday Evenings: The program runs every Tuesday at 7pm, making it convenient for both parents and tweens to attend after the day’s activities. I'm currently taking a waitlist for the next intake in Oct 2024. You can join the list here to get notified of the next program.

If you can not attend a live session the guided visualisation will be available as a recording along with any PDF exercises.

Please note: the live sessions are recorded but participants will not be visible on the recording. This is to protect the privacy of your tween.

Sarah Hayes BSc (Hons) Psychology,

D.Hyp, D.Hyp Paediatrics

Clinical & Paediatric Hypnotherapist

Hi, I'm Sarah, I'm a Clinical and Paediatric Hypnotherapist specialising in working with anxious young people who find it difficult to be in school.

You may already be aware of The Calmer Teens and Tweens one-to-one programs that that have been successfully helping anxious young people reduce their anxiety and be confident to return to school.

This year I'm excited to be launching a group program designed to help anxious 11-12 year olds reduce worries, build resilience and feel more self-confident. The kind of program I wish I'd had as an anxious teen.

This program will incorporate a lot of the tools and techniques used in my one-to-one programs, but in an online group setting. So you and your tween get the benefits at a reduced cost.

What clients say

"She has made huge progress in managing her emotions"

"She has gone back to school with only a little wobble on the first morning which is a great improvement from last year. She has made huge progress in managing her emotions and the sessions so far have made a big difference to her. ... she says she feels really happy afterwards and this seems to last a good while.”

Mum of Francesca

"Happier at school, and in general."

Thanks again for your help. It’s an incredible transformation and we’re so relieved to see Ruby happier at school, and in general.

Mum of Ruby

"We can't thank you enough"

" We can’t thank you enough. Jack did amazingly well last week – school started on Tuesday and he was in every day.

Mum of Jack

Join Now

Calm Minds for Confident Starts Program.

The next enrolment will be October 2024

Join the waitlist to be notified when the next program will start and have advanced notice of any special offers.

Limited Spots Available - To ensure a personalized experience, spaces are limited ↓

Total Price £197

  • 6 x weekly live online group sessions

  • 3 x parental FAQ sessions

  • Online resources to support your pre-teen

Give your tween the tools they need to face the new school year with calm and confidence.

The price for your tween to work with me one-to-one through the Calmer Tweens Programme is £550. Making this group program excellent value.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know my tween will be suited to hypnotherapy?

The hypnotherapy we use in the program is very similar to the state of mind your tween is in when they daydream. I use guided visualisations, similar to guided mediations you or your tween may have experienced. If your tween can listen and follow instructions then they should be perfectly fine with the sessions.

Does my tween need to do anything in-between sessions?

Yes, you and your tween will have access to supporting information in between sessions, which may be PDFs, videos, or recordings. It's great if you can both share sometime in-between sessions using the exercises provided.

Does my tween need to be visible on the screen?

If your tween is uncomfortable being seen on the screen that's okay. They can choose to sit off screen or you can switch your camera off. Also I will not be singling out any one tween or asking them direct questions.

Do both parents need to attend the sessions?

Given busy schedules and family life demands, there is no expectation that two parents will attend the sessions. One parent attending and engaging in the sessions is beneficial for your tween to feel supported. If you are a two parent family, you may wish to have both parents attend the 'parental only sessions'.

Why is there a waiting list?

The waitlist is for the next launch of the program which will be October 2024. When you join you will be notified of the start date and any special offers that may run.

Have a question? Get in touch.

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For further information about school anxiety please visit:
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